Hamburg, February 23, 2022 – After the WGP Production Academy took an enforced break due to the Corona crisis, the Scientific Society for Production Technology is starting up again in spring 2022 with its seminars on innovative production technology and new processes. Participants can get the latest knowledge from the renowned WGP research institutes directly into their companies.
“We have used the time of the COVID19 pandemic to develop new topics so that the latest state of the art in production technology can also be rapidly adopted by industry in terms of efficiency and resilience,” reports Prof. Jens P. Wulfsberg, President of WGP and Head of the Manufacturing Technology Laboratory (LaFT) at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg.
The goal of WGP researchers is to accelerate the transfer of knowledge from universities to practice. “In Germany, we need to do better in this area,” cautions Prof. Mathias Liewald, head of the Production Academy and the Institute for Forming Technology (IFU) at the University of Stuttgart. “This is because technologies are changing so rapidly that no manufacturing company will remain competitive if it does not encourage its workforce to engage in lifelong learning. To this end, in addition to further technological developments, we have also prepared current production planning topics in our academy. Our aim is to address the major issues of our time. We are thinking in particular of new approaches to sustainability and lower resource consumption, but also of the use of data for learning in production or for any process improvements.”
Wide-ranging content in condensed form
In seminars lasting one to two days, renowned researchers impart compact knowledge to employees from companies for their everyday production work in classroom or online events. In Darmstadt in March, interested parties will receive an overview of the functional spectrum of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in production under the title “From analog to digital store floor management”. In Munich, the seminar “Lean and Digital – Along the Value Stream to the Goal” aims to raise awareness of lean production. In Erlangen, for example, scientists will present the latest processes for the development, production, assembly, quality assurance and testing of electronic assemblies and electrical machines. The teams from the Institute of Forming Technology at the University of Stuttgart offer compact forming knowledge with their FormImpulse training series. But WGP researchers also address economic and organizational issues. In Hanover, for example, participants learn how to plan and control their production in a resource-efficient way in the age of Industry 4.0.
Freely selectable modules
The great advantage of the Production Academy’s training courses is that they are modular. Interested individuals from the companies can combine the modules as they wish. The training courses are held at the institutes for the respective research focal points – which guarantees a high level of scientific expertise and excellent infrastructure. Personal participation in the training and further education courses at the WGP institutes is therefore worthwhile in any case. If required, the modules can also be organized in-house. A certificate attests to the current knowledge.

Cover image: Lifelong learning at the WGP Production Academy in Stuttgart, Source: IFU Stuttgart
Image 2: Prof. Jens P. Wulfsberg, President of WGP, Head of the Manufacturing Technology Laboratory (LaFT) at the University of the Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg, Source: LaFT Hamburg
Image 3: Prof. Mathias Liewald Head of the Institute for Forming Technology (IFU) at the University of Stuttgart, Source: IFU Stuttgart