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The German Academic Association for Production Technology introduces itself

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WGP Annual Congress

Socially accepted and marketable solutions for sustainable production

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The key focus is on future topics such as industry 4.0, energy efficiency and 3D printing

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Over 2,000 WGP scientists publish ground-breaking research results

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Further education

Direct transfer of knowledge from the lab to the workshop floor

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We Take a Stand

The WGP advises politicians and positions itself on socially relevant topics

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New tech enthusiasts for the country

Munich, 21 May 2024 – The shortage of skilled workers and young talent dominated the spring conference of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP) last week in Bamberg. For example, the nationwide young talent initiative for school students launched in summer 2023 has picked up speed. It is now receiving prominent support from […]

Stay competitive thanks to condensed training programmes

Munich, 13 February 2024 – In times of digitalisation and rapidly developing new technologies, lifelong learning is a must – for engineers as well as for the men and women at the machines. Since February, companies have been able to bring their employees up to speed with the latest technology at the WGP Production Academy, […]

Young talent and AI determine the future of our society

Munich, January 9, 2024 – At the turn of the year, WGP President Prof. Jens Wulfsberg from LaFT at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg handed over the helm to Prof. Michael Zäh. He had already symbolically handed it over at the fall conference in Kassel in November. In line with the rotation, the head of the […]

Breakthroughs in measuring and forming technology

Hamburg, December 11, 2023 – Dr. Christoph Hartmann from the Chair of Forming Technology and Casting (utg) at the Technical University of Munich received the prestigious Otto Kienzle Commemorative Coin at the WGP Annual Congress. In Freudenstadt, the 71 professors of production engineering presented the young scientist with the coin for his pioneering research in […]

Annual congress focuses on circular economy

Hamburg, November 28, 2023 – “Towards a circular economy with technology-based and sustainable production” was the motto of this year’s WGP Annual Congress. From November 20 to 23, researchers and company representatives presented the latest ideas and production technology approaches to master current challenges such as climate change and resource scarcity in Freudenstadt. They covered […]

WGP launches nationwide young talent campaign

Kassel, November 13, 2023 – It all started with the student rally “TECHventure – Technology is more than math”. The first campaign of the WGP’s (Scientific Society for Production Engineering) young talent initiative was launched on September 20 and 21 at EMO Hannover 2023. “It was already a great success, we came into contact with […]

WGP presents research results at EMO Hanover

Hamburg, September 11, 2023 - Production will be more resilient, sustainable and efficient in the future. WGP (Scientific Society for Production Technology) will be demonstrating how this can be done at EMO Hannover, the world's leading trade fair for production technology, from September 18 to 23, 2023. "Having already contributed to the Let's Talk Science [...]

Engineering scientists ring the alarm bells

Schwerin, 08.05.2023 – For a good five years now, the number of first-year students in engineering sciences has been falling significantly in Germany. “This is a major problem,” warns Prof. Jens Wulfsberg, president of WGP, the association of leading professors of production science, on the occasion of the spring meeting last week in Schwerin. “Because […]

Transfer of knowledge via social media

Hamburg, April 20, 2023 – The researchers of the WGP (Scientific Society for Production Engineering) now also present their current work results from production engineering on LinkedIn. “With this, we want to further simplify and accelerate the transfer of knowledge from universities to industry,” says Prof. Jens P. Wulfsberg, President of WGP. The association of […]

WGP helps implement AI

Hamburg, January 25, 2023 – There is a lot of talk about artificial intelligence in production, but it still arrives too rarely in practice. The WGP (Scientific Society for Production Engineering) wants to change that together with other manufacturing experts. “We are building a nationwide demonstration and transfer network that provides practical support for the […]