
Resilient production after the Corona crisis

Aachen, May 05, 2020 – Many companies are currently reducing their production or even stopping it completely. But recently, it is no longer just the conversion to corona crisis times that has been a topic of discussion, reports Dr. Tobias Heinen, co-founder and managing director of Grean GmbH, a spin-off of the Institute for Factory […]

Competitive through intelligent planning

Hannover, 09 March 2020 – The digital transformation in industry is in full swing. Production planning and control (PPS) is not excluded from this. A recent survey of manufacturing companies shows that great progress can be seen, especially in automated data acquisition. However, the benefits of the data collected often remain unclear. “In order to […]

Green Deal can put production technology in pole position

Aachen, January 21, 2020 – Prof. Brecher, President of the WGP and Head of the Machine Tool Laboratory (WZL) at RWTH Aachen University, comments on the Green Deal: “Brussels has shown the way forward with its trillion-dollar climate finance package for the EU Green Deal. Production technology research and industry are innovative enough to create […]

New WGP President wants to urge research on drive solutions

Hanover, December 16, 2019 – From January 1, 2020, Prof. Christian Brecher, Head of the Chair of Machine Tools at the Machine Tool Laboratory WZL of RWTH Aachen University, will be the new President of the WGP (Scientific Society for Production Engineering). He spoke at the International METAV Press Forum on 12 and 13 December […]

WGP develops Production for Future Thinktank
Berlin, November 19, 2019 - At their autumn WGP meeting in Berlin last week, Germany's leading production technology professors adopted a comprehensive agenda to advance sustainable production in Germany. "There is agreement among the members that the topics of sustainability and climate protection are among the central future tasks of society and thus also of [...]
Climate policy offers opportunities for production technology in Germany

Hanover, 24 October 2019 – Addressing climate change is the declared goal of the German government and the industry. “At the German Mechanical Engineering Summit in Berlin last week, Mrs. Merkel stressed the importance of new technologies in the fight against climate change. We fully agree and point out that we have already developed numerous […]

WGP presents new production methods at annual congress

Hamburg, 07 October 2019 – The WGP, the association of leading production technology professors in Germany, has shown new ways for a more environmentally friendly industry at its annual congress. “We want local production that conserves energy and resources,” emphasized Prof. Jens Wulfsberg, Head of the Laboratory of Manufacturing Engineering (LaFT) at Helmut Schmidt University […]

Looking outside the box for more efficient production

Hamburg, 01 October 2019 – Young researcher Dr. Ivan Iovkov yesterday received the renowned Otto Kienzle commemorative coin from the Scientific Society for Production Engineering. During the annual congress, WGP Executive Committee member Prof. Peter Nyhuis presented the exceptional scientist with the award: “With his scientific acumen and interdisciplinary thinking, Dr. Iovkov has not only […]

Systematically introducing KI into production

Hanover, 19 September 2019 – Representatives of the Artificial Intelligence Enquête Commission of the German parliament (Bundestag) yesterday received the new actionguideline “AI in production – developing artificial intelligence for companies” of the WGP. Last Friday, the association of leading German professors of production technology officially presented the position paper to the Federal Ministry of […]

WGP Annual Congress 2019 – 30.09 to 02.10.2019 in Hamburg

Ever faster, ever bigger, ever more accurate – WGP Annual Congress „Production at the limits – keeping ahead, securing the future“: Production research is constantly pushing the limits of what is feasible. The “Production at the Border” congress will show production processes that have penetrated areas that until recently were considered impossible, also in terms of methodology, use of resources and interdisciplinarity. But where does the search for new borders lead? […]