
Product creation rethought

Kassel, November 14, 2022 – The leading scientists in production engineering and development as well as assembly and robotics have joined forces for the first time to discuss the impact of societal change on the products or production of tomorrow.

New solutions for a robust production

Stuttgart, October 27, 2022 – The WGP (Scientific Society for Production Engineering) dedicated its 2022 annual congress in mid-October in Stuttgart to the topic of “Production at the Frontier – Strategies for Using Data in Planning and Production”. With a view to the new global economic situation and the goal of creating resilient production systems and value chains, young researchers presented numerous innovative solutions in the fields of artificial intelligence and novel approaches in production planning.

Implementing paradigm shifts in production faster

Stuttgart, October 13, 2022 – Several paradigm shifts have taken place in production in Germany in recent years. But putting them into practice is taking longer than would be desirable. “Technology transfer in Germany is still being tackled very timidly and, in my view, not comprehensively enough,” also warns Dr. Michael Riesener.

Producing with up to 45 percent less energy

Hamburg, July 19, 2022 – The WGP efficiency initiative was launched in June of this year. Since then, the LinkedIn channel has been filling up twice a week with more and more concrete examples that have successfully saved energy. The numbers are impressive: 45 percent savings in production are possible. This is demonstrated by the ETA demo factory at Darmstadt Technical University. The measures that are taking effect there have already been implemented by several companies, including Trumpf.

Initiative for a functioning industry in the energy crisis

Flensburg, May 9, 2022 – At its spring meeting in Flensburg, the WGP (Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produkti-onstechnik – Scientific Society for Production Technology) took an in-depth look at the effects of the energy crisis on the manufacturing sector and launched an efficiency initiative. The WGP is an association of 70 leading professors of production technology. […]

Independence from Russia is possible faster

Hamburg, March 30, 2022 – The war that Russia is waging against Ukraine has shown all those responsible in politics, business, science, society, NGOs and every human being with frightening clarity our economic-industrial, especially energy interconnectedness and thus dependence. But we have a lever that is effective in the short term, which already led a […]

Further training courses on innovative production start up again

Hamburg, February 23, 2022 – After the WGP Production Academy took an enforced break due to the Corona crisis, the Scientific Society for Production Technology is starting up again in spring 2022 with its seminars on innovative production technology and new processes. Participants can get the latest knowledge from the renowned WGP research institutes directly […]

Production needs new targets

Hamburg, January 10, 2022 – Since the beginning of 2022, Prof. Jens P. Wulfsberg, Head of the Manufacturing Technology Laboratory (LaFT) at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg, has been the new President of the WGP (Scientific Society for Production Engineering). He succeeds Prof. Christian Brecher, head of the Chair of Machine […]

The production of profiles becomes significantly more efficient

Berlin, November 09, 2021 – Profiles ranging from guard rails to drawer guides can be found in all areas of our lives. However, their production has so far been mainly mechanically supported, and digitization is still the exception in this area. This could soon change, as Dr. Tilman Traub’s research is bearing fruit: the first […]

“Windows for robotics” and other innovations for more sustainability

Dresden, October 04, 2021 – At the annual congress of the WGP (Scientific Society for Production Engineering), solutions for the upcoming structural change of the industry towards energetically improved processes or even the use of environmentally friendly materials were presented. “This change can only be contested with innovative production technology and the new possibilities of […]